Blog #5 - Week 10

Blog #5 - Week 10

What constitutes the greatest challenge in traveling with a disability?

Frankly, I find little enthusiasm in addressing this query, for the entirety of disabled existence is fraught with challenges. It necessitates a certain degree of training to discern the positive aspects amidst adversity. There are always silver linings, although their visibility varies widely.

Since my last dispatch, numerous events have transpired. My cousin Ýmir and his partner joined me, we found ourselves ensnared in a five-month-long Covid lockdown in Kathmandu. Rene has navigated me through the cobblestone elevations of Lisbon. Our stay at a spa hotel, anticipated to be a highlight, culminated in disappointment. We lost our lodging reservation, which was subsequently rectified, and they embarked on their inaugural surf lesson while I engaged in introspection, observing the novice surfers as they wrestled with the capricious waves.
This journey has been delightful, unequivocally justifying the hardships encountered.

This evening, we ventured to a nearby pizzeria where we reside, only to discover it is an award-winning establishment, recognized among the top 50 pizzas in Europe.

My physical training has been neglected. During travels, my focus predominantly lies in maintaining mental well-being. Journeys often entail various blockages, each with its unique set of challenges to overcome. As previously mentioned, awareness of one's blockages is essential for awakening.

I plan to meet with a potential trainer and healer soon, which should intensify my regimen. But first, the agenda involves purchasing paint and supplies tomorrow, enabling us to engage in the creation of sooty art.

To conclude, life resembles surfing: one contends with the oncoming waves, and without the knowledge to navigate over them, allowing them to pass, they will engulf you, along with your board, and pummel you until the lesson is learned. Then, you wait, pondering in search of the perfect wave until it appears. At that moment, you must invest your entirety in catching it. Then comes the challenge of standing up, the culmination of all previous efforts. To ride the wave, feeling the ocean's power and the wind carry you toward the shore.

Then, it breaks.

And the cycle recommences.

I find a poetic and uplifting quality in this analogy.

One can also follow the journey visually on Instagram.

Love and peace
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